Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016

Andreas R. Ziegler: Droit international économique (2e éd. 2017) - Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (2. Aufl. 2017)

Order now in either French or German !

Droit international économique– Une introduction (y inclus le droit des relations économiques extérieures de la Suisse) (International Economic Law of of Switzerland), (Stämpfli, 2e édition, Berne 2017, ISBN/ISSN: 9783727207419, XXX + 326 pages).

Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht - Eine Einführung (unter Einschluss des Aussenwirtschaftsrechts der Schweiz) (International Economic Law of of Switzerland) (Stämpfli Verlag, Bern, 2. Auflage, 2017, ISBN/ISSN: 9783727284984, XXXI +
319 Seiten).

Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2016

CF - Adaptation de l’ordonnance sur l’introduction de la libre circulation des personnes

CF - Adaptation de l’ordonnance sur l’introduction de la libre circulation des personnes
Berne, 21.12.2016 - Le protocole III relatif à l’extension de l’accord sur la libre circulation des personnes à la Croatie entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2017, ce qui implique d’adapter l’ordonnance sur l’introduction de la libre circulation des personnes. Le Conseil fédéral a adopté la révision nécessaire lors de sa séance du 21 décembre 2016. 

FDF - Double taxation agreements with Norway and Albania enter into force

Bern, 22.12.2016 - The double taxation agreements (DTAs) which Switzerland concluded with Norway and Albania have entered into force. The two DTAs have been updated with a protocol of amendment. They promote the development of economic relations with these two countries.

SEM - La Suisse informe l’Union européenne de la mise en œuvre de l’article constitutionnel sur l’immigration

 SEM - La Suisse informe l’Union européenne de la mise en œuvre de l’article constitutionnel sur l’immigration 

Berne-Wabern, 22.12.2016 - Jeudi 22 décembre 2016, les délégations de la Suisse et de l’Union européenne (UE) ont procédé à un nouvel échange de vues dans le cadre du Comité mixte concernant l’accord sur la libre circulation des personnes (ALCP). À la demande de l’UE, la délégation suisse a informé ses interlocuteurs des décisions du Parlement suisse relatives à la mise en œuvre de l’article constitutionnel sur l’immigration.

WTO issues panel reports regarding Indonesian import restrictions on agricultural products

WTO issues panel reports regarding Indonesian import restrictions on agricultural products

On 22 December the WTO issued the panel report in the cases brought by the United States and New Zealand in “Indonesia — Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products” (DS477 and DS478)

IMF Credit Suisse: Mozambique bondholders call debt-restructuring deadline a "pipe dream"

Montag, 26. Dezember 2016

UN Security Council passes resolution demanding end to Israeli settlements

UN Security Council passes resolution demanding end to Israeli settlements

The UN resolution has been passed after the United States abstained from voting. The measure has been rejected by Israel.


Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2016

EU's top court upholds carbon tax on Swiss flights

The European Union is within its rights to apply carbon taxes to flights between Switzerland and member states although flights to and from other countries outside the bloc are exempt, the EU's top court said on Wednesday.
The case was brought before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) by Lufthansa-owned Swiss International Air Lines [SWIN.UL]. It argued that its treatment under the EU's Emission Trading System infringed on the principle of equal treatment under EU law by treating Switzerland differently from other third countries.
The ECJ, however, ruled that the bloc was not obliged to treat all countries outside the bloc in the same way.

FDF - Another two tax information exchange agreements now in force

FDF - Another two tax information exchange agreements now in force
Bern, 23.12.2016 - The tax information exchange agreements with Belize and Grenada have come into force. They will apply from 1 January 2017

Freitag, 23. Dezember 2016

2017 IMF Internship Program (Legal Department) (Job Number: 1601095)

2017 IMF Internship Program (Legal Department) (Job Number: 1601095)


The IMF's Legal Department is also seeking applications for a summer intern position as part of the 2017 Fund Internship Program. The duration of the internship will be 10-12 weeks, which will be undertaken sometime between May and October 2017 (the actual period of the internship will be agreed between the department and the successful candidate).
The selected candidate will work in one of the units of the Legal Department under the supervision and guidance of a senior member of the unit. Projects assigned (which differ from year to year) will be determined at a time closer to the start of the internship to ensure that they are directly aligned with the department's work program and, to the extent possible, with the interests of the intern. Research covers a broad spectrum of legal issues as the examples below from previous years illustrate:
  • Analysis of the legal framework for capital controls under the European Economic Area
  • Research on the insolvency of non bank financial institutions
  • Research on the legal mandate of the IMF in financial regulation
  • Cross-country comparisons of effectiveness of AML/CFT efforts.

Registration open for Lausanne LLM in International and European Economic and Commercial Law (Fall 2017)

We are happy to announce that we are now accepting registrations for the next programme of the Master of Advanced Studies / LLM in International and European Economic and Commercial Law at the University of Lausanne. While registration is possible until 30 June we highly recommend early registration as available places may fill up quickly. Scholarships are also limited and awarded on a rolling basis. This programme fully taught in English by internationally recognized academics and practitioners from international organisations (WTO, WIPO etc.) as well as global law firms and multinational enterprises has so far more than 400 alumni all over the world, Find out more at:

Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2016

CF - Renforcer le contrôle sur ses propres données et rendre leur traitement plus transparent (Règles européennes)

CF - Renforcer le contrôle sur ses propres données et rendre leur traitement plus transparent
Berne, 21.12.2016 - Le Conseil fédéral veut renforcer la protection des données et l’adapter aux technologies et à la société d’aujourd’hui. Lors de sa séance du 21 décembre 2016, il a mis en consultation un avant-projet de révision totale de la loi sur la protection des données (LPD). La révision crée aussi les conditions qui permettront à la Suisse de ratifier la convention du Conseil de l’Europe sur la protection des données et de reprendre la directive de l’Union européenne sur la protection des données en matière pénale. Ces modifications sont nécessaires pour préserver la libre circulation des données entre la Suisse et l’étranger.

CF - Adaptation de l’ordonnance sur l’introduction de la libre circulation des personnes

CF - Adaptation de l’ordonnance sur l’introduction de la libre circulation des personnes
Berne, 21.12.2016 - Le protocole III relatif à l’extension de l’accord sur la libre circulation des personnes à la Croatie entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2017, ce qui implique d’adapter l’ordonnance sur l’introduction de la libre circulation des personnes. Le Conseil fédéral a adopté la révision nécessaire lors de sa séance du 21 décembre 2016.

CF - Le Conseil fédéral fixe les grandes lignes du contre-projet à l’initiative "Sortons de l’impasse !"

CF - Le Conseil fédéral fixe les grandes lignes du contre-projet à l’initiative "Sortons de l’impasse !" 

Berne, 21.12.2016 - Le Conseil fédéral a décidé, en octobre dernier, d’opposer un contre-projet direct à l’initiative "Sortons de l’impasse !". Lors de sa séance de ce jour, il a décidé de préparer, en vue d’une consultation, deux options pour ce contre-projet, et défini les grandes lignes de chacune d’elles.

Schweiz unterstützt UNO-Resolution zur Bekämpfung der Straflosigkeit in Syrien

Berne, 22.12.2016 - Die UNO-Generalversammlung hat in New York beschlossen, einen unabhängigen Untersuchungsmechanismus zu schaffen. Damit soll die Grundlage für spätere Gerichtsverfahren gegen die Verantwortlichen der gravierendsten Völkerrechtsverbrechen in Syrien gelegt werden. Die Schweiz hat die von Liechtenstein eingebrachte Resolution, deren Anliegen dem langjährigen schweizerischen Engagement zur Bekämpfung der Straflosigkeit in Syrien entspricht, von Beginn weg unterstützt und begrüsst diesen bedeutenden Schritt.
Die Resolution setzt ein wichtiges politisches Signal für die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte und des humanitären Völkerrechts sowie den Kampf gegen die Straflosigkeit in dem seit fünf Jahren anhaltenden bewaffneten Konflikt in Syrien. Ein gerechter und dauerhafter Frieden ist nach Ansicht der Schweiz nur dann möglich, wenn Verletzungen des Völkerrechts konsequent verfolgt und bestraft werden.

Die Resolution beauftragt den UNO-Generalsekretär, innerhalb von 20 Tagen die Rahmenbedingungen für den unabhängigen Untersuchungsmechanismus ("International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism to assist in the Investigation and Prosecution of those Responsible for the Most Serious Crimes under International Law committed in the Syrian Arab Republic since March 2011") zu definieren. Dieser soll die bestehende, vom Menschenrechtsrat geschaffene internationale Untersuchungskommission unterstützen. Die Aufgabe des neuen Mechanismus umfasst die Sammlung, Konsolidierung, Aufbewahrung und Analyse von Dokumenten und Beweismaterialen welche auf Kriegsverbrechen, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Genozid hinweisen.
Die Schweiz engagiert sich seit mehreren Jahren gegen die Straflosigkeit in Syrien und lancierte bereits 2014 eine Initiative, um die Situation an den internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu überweisen. Dies ist bisher am Widerstand des UNO-Sicherheitsrates gescheitert. Mit der vorliegenden Resolution soll die Grundlage geschaffen werden, damit später Gerichte auf der Basis des gesammelten Beweismaterials faire und unabhängige Verfahren durchführen können. Das Engagement der Schweiz gegen die Straflosigkeit wird ergänzt durch das humanitäre Engagement in Syrien, die Unterstützung der Suche nach einer politischen Lösung mittels fachlicher Expertise, der logistischen Unterstützung bei der Durchführung von Friedensverhandlungen sowie der Förderung von lokalen 

Montag, 19. Dezember 2016

UNCTAD Internship 2017

UNCTAD Internship

The UNCTAD Virtual Institute is recruiting a project management intern for its Geneva-based team.

Eligible candidates must be Master's students or recent graduates who can commit to work five days per week (35 hours) for four to six months beginning in January. Priority will be given to applicants with skills in filming, video-editing and distance learning development, as well as English-language drafting.

As with all UN internships, the post is unpaid. Interns are responsible for all costs associated with travel, stay and insurance.

Interested candidates should complete the official UN application procedure.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

For more information, contact

United Nations General Assembly grants observer status to International Chamber of Commerce in unprecedented move

U.S. Demands Return of Drone Seized by Chinese Warship

Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2016

Switzerland ratifies Croatia protocol

Switzerland ratifies Croatia protocol

Bern, 16.12.2016 - Switzerland has ratified the protocol extending the free movement of persons to Croatia. On 17 June this year, the Federal Assembly authorised the Federal Council to ratify Protocol III extending the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP) to Croatia, subject to a specific condition. After Parliament passed the act implementing Article 121a of the Federal Constitution, the Federal Council concluded that this condition had been fulfilled. At its meeting on 16 December 2016, it therefore authorised the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), in cooperation with the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP), to confirm the ratification of Protocol III to the EU. This also means the precondition has been met for Switzerland to participate fully in the Horizon 2020 research programme.

Parliament approved the Croatia protocol on 17 June 2016. It authorised the Federal Council to ratify the protocol on condition that "there is an arrangement with the EU for managing immigration which is compatible with Swiss law". The Federal Assembly today passed the act implementing Article 121a of the Federal Constitution. Parliament favours a solution that can be implemented in accordance with the AFMP, meaning that Switzerland’s bilateral agreements with the EU will continue to apply. The Federal Council discussed the outcome of the parliamentary debate today and came to the conclusion that the condition imposed by Parliament had been fulfilled.
On Friday, therefore, the Federal Council instructed the FDFA, in cooperation with the FDJP, to confirm to the EU, as the other party to the agreement, that the ratification process has been completed. The EU already informed Switzerland of its completion of the ratification process on 9 November 2016. Protocol III will therefore come into force on 1 January 2017. The State Secretariat for Migration will inform the relevant authorities in the cantons about the applicable provisions in due course.

Full participation in Horizon 2020

The ratification of Protocol III is key to the Federal Council’s plans to consolidate and further develop the bilateral approach. It will also mean that from 1 January 2017 Switzerland can participate fully in the Horizon 2020 research programme as a fully associated member. This is vitally important for the quality of the research conducted in Switzerland, for the country’s reputation as a research centre and for its competitiveness. Swiss researchers will therefore be able to participate fully in the European research projects funded by the programme. The international partnerships entered into by Swiss higher education institutions are just as important as the financial aspects.

Address for enquiries
FDJP Information Service, T +41 58 462 18 18
FDFA Information, T +41 58 462 31 53

For questions about Horizon 2020:
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SBFI, Philipp Langer, T +41 58 462 96 93

2017 IMF Internship Program (Legal Department) (Job Number: 1601095)

2017 IMF Internship Program (Legal Department) (Job Number: 1601095)


The IMF's Legal Department is also seeking applications for a summer intern position as part of the 2017 Fund Internship Program. The duration of the internship will be 10-12 weeks, which will be undertaken sometime between May and October 2017 (the actual period of the internship will be agreed between the department and the successful candidate).
The selected candidate will work in one of the units of the Legal Department under the supervision and guidance of a senior member of the unit. Projects assigned (which differ from year to year) will be determined at a time closer to the start of the internship to ensure that they are directly aligned with the department's work program and, to the extent possible, with the interests of the intern. Research covers a broad spectrum of legal issues as the examples below from previous years illustrate:
  • Analysis of the legal framework for capital controls under the European Economic Area
  • Research on the insolvency of non bank financial institutions
  • Research on the legal mandate of the IMF in financial regulation
  • Cross-country comparisons of effectiveness of AML/CFT efforts.

Switzerland signed the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004 but the new tobacco advertising law is essential in order to ratify it

Parliament stubs out tobacco advertising restrictions

James Crawford Prize 2017

The Journal of International Dispute Settlement (JIDS) is now welcoming submissions for the annual James Crawford Prize. The author of the best paper received will win £500 of OUP books, a subscription to the journal, and publication in JIDS.

In order to be considered, articles must be received by 19 February 2017.

Click below for more information on how to submit your paper, and read previous winning articles.

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2016

FDFA - The Directorate of International Law briefs the public on the blocking and restitution of stolen assets

FDFA - The Directorate of International Law briefs the public on the blocking and restitution of stolen assets
Bern, 12.12.2016 - On 12 December 2016, the Directorate of International Law held its annual one-day event for the public at the Bern Rathaus. This year’s topic was the “Restitution of stolen assets”, and the discussion addressed both the process for recovering illicitly acquired assets and Swiss and international experience in this area. The guest speakers included political and legal experts, development professionals and representatives of the banking sector and civil society. They provided attendees with a step-by-step review of the process, from blocking assets to their restitution.