Sonntag, 6. November 2016

New Blog - International Law in Switzerland

New Blog - International Law in Switzerland

This Blog is an extensions of an existing

Facebook Page (

that has the objective to allow all interested readers to follow domestic and major international legal developments  that are deemed important for understanding the international law as applied and relevant for Switzerland.

Both this Blog and the Facebook Page were originally created to facilitate (for the students at the University of Lausanne) the use and update of the following textbooks:
Bildergebnis für ziegler völkerrecht  stämpfli Bildergebnis für ziegler völkerrecht  stämpfli 

  • Ziegler, Andreas R., Introduction au droit international public (Stämpfli, Berne, 3e éd. 2015). (381 pages)
  • Ziegler, Andreas R., Einführung in das Völkerrecht, Bern, Stämpfli, 3. Aufl., 2015, (env. 400 S.)

Bildergebnis für ziegler wirtschaftsvölkerrecht stämpfli Bildergebnis für ziegler droit international economique  stämpfli
  • Andreas R. ZIEGLER, Droit international économique de la Suisse : une introduction (y inclus le droit des relations économiques extérieures), Berne, Stämpfli, 2010, (314 p.) 
  • Andreas R. ZIEGLER, Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht der Schweiz: eine Einführung unter Einschluss des Aussenwirtschaftsrechts, Bern, Stämpfli, 2010, (313 S.)
Nevertheless, as the homepage has in the meantime several thousand followers I assume it could also interested others. I hope this blog will be equally useful.

For professionals interested in events related to international law in Switzerland I recommend the membership in the ILA-Swiss Branch ( and its blog:

Best regards,

Andreas R. Ziegler (


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