Mittwoch, 8. März 2017

Closer police cooperation between Switzerland and Thailand

Bern, 08.03.2017 - The Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Thailand signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 8 March 2016 to step up the fight against cross-border crime. Under the agreement, the two countries will provide mutual support to police investigations and tighten their criminal prosecution.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed by Switzerland and Thailand on 8 March 2017, is the next important step in bilateral police cooperation.
Both countries wish to focus efforts on combating certain forms of crime, primarily human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children. Under the agreement, they agree to pursue common goals and provide mutual support in ongoing investigations. Combating cross-border crime is a complex undertaking; the two countries therefore seek optimal solutions on a case-by-case basis. The MoU represents an intended common line of action but does not contain any obligations, either on the operational or strategic level. On the part of Switzerland, fedpol is responsible for coordination.

Tangible benefits

The MoU provides the following benefits:
  • The authorities of both countries can exchange strategic, operational or police information faster, in particular through INTERPOL.
  • Major, joint investigations by the Royal Thai Police and fedpol can be expedited and coordinated more efficiently.
  • The Swiss authorities can cooperate more effectively with their local counterparts in remote areas of Thailand, hence speeding up investigations.
  • The movements and whereabouts of known offenders in Thailand, especially in connection with paedophile crime, can be determined with greater accuracy.
  • Joint strategic working groups will facilitate common strategies on fighting organised crime such as drug trafficking.
  • Cooperation will foster joint working groups in criminal investigations.
  • Swiss mutual assistance requests can be processed faster.
Switzerland and Thailand work together to combat various types of crime, such as human trafficking, sexual exploitation, paedophile crime, organised crime, drug trafficking, people smuggling, cybercrime and money laundering. The Swiss police attaché, stationed in Bangkok since 2004, plays an important role in cooperation between the two countries. The attaché collaborates effectively with the Thai authorities and has established a reliable and working network of contacts for Swiss law enforcement services. Along with his intensive work in widely differing areas of crime, the attaché has for some time now also been handling several major international cases involving human trafficking.

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